Completion Rates

Valor Christian College compiles this information on a yearly basis and reports it to IPEDS.

Due to the number of Full-Time First-Time students from which the cohorts for each of these years is comprised, the programs have been combined and reported with a single rate in order to protect the identity of the students in the cohorts.

Entrance term Fall 2015 (includes any Summer 2015 early entrants) completing program as of 8/1/2018

Entrance term Fall 2016 (includes any Summer 2016 early entrants) completing program as of 8/1/2019

Entrance term Fall 2017 (includes any Summer 2017 early entrants) completing program as of 8/1/2020

150% Completion Rate 2018 2019 2020
All Undergraduate programs 59% 55% 41%

Additional information is available on the College Navigator Website by searching “Valor Christian College” and from the offices listed below. 

Office of the Registrar
Valor Christian College
P.O. Box 800
Columbus, OH 43216-0800
Phone: (614) 837-4088

Director of Advancement & Enrollment Services
Valor Christian College
P.O. Box 800
Columbus, OH 43216-0800
Phone: (614) 837-4088