Valor Christian College welcomes high school students to participate in the dual-enrollment program. Through the College Credit Plus (CCP) Program, Ohio students in grades 7-12 may be considered for this partnership through Valor Christian College to earn college credit and complete high school graduation requirements. Students can take courses online or on-site at Valor. Ohio’s College Credit Plus (CCP) program covers the cost of tuition and fees for eligible students.
All students who wish to participate in the College Credit Plus or Dual Enrollment program at Valor Christian College must complete our admission process. We encourage students to talk with school counselors and parents or guardians to discuss your desire to take college level courses. It is extremely important that you understand how the courses would fit in with your overall academic plan and career goals.
Dual Enrollment Overview
*If viewing on mobile device use your finger to scroll table left and right*
College Credit Plus |
Pre-College |
Ohio Resident |
Yes |
No |
Application |
Dual enrollment tuition per credit hour |
$166.55 per credit hour (Paid by the State of Ohio) Campus or Online |
$166.55 per credit hour (Families will be billed for course + Educational Resource Fee) Online |
Approvals |
Ohio high school students are approved to take courses at Valor Christian College. |
Out of State students must seek approval from the high school. Valor will need to verify approval from individual state. |
SARA (State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement) |
Valor Christian College is permitted to deliver online programs in every state and is a member of SARA. |
Valor Christian College is permitted to deliver online programs in every state and is a member of SARA. |
VCC Academic Program |
Will I earn credit for the courses? |
YES-Students will earn credit at Valor Christian College |
YES-Students will earn credit at Valor Christian College |
Will the courses count towards high school graduation requirements? |
Students must get approval from high school counselor to ensure that credits will count towards graduation. |
Students must get approval from high school counselor to ensure that credits will count towards graduation. |
Will these credits be accepted at other institutions? |
Credit acceptance is solely at the discretion of each institution. |
Credit acceptance is solely at the discretion of each institution. |
Transfer Credits |
Valor will accept transfer credits. Students must have a C or higher to transfer. |
Valor will accept transfer credits. Students must have a C or higher to transfer. |
Who teaches the courses? |
Valor Christian College Faculty |
Valor Christian College Faculty |
Where can I take courses? |
Ohio students can complete classes at our Campus in Columbus, OH or our Online Platform. |
Students complete classes on our Online platform. |
Who pays for textbooks? |
Valor uses digital textbooks that are included in the Educational Resource Fee. |
Valor uses digital textbooks that are included in the Educational Resource Fee. |
Steps to Enrollment
Determine eligibility for College Credit Plus Funding
To participate in the College Credit Plus at Valor Christian College, students must meet the following eligibility requirements:
- Be an Ohio resident enrolled in an Ohio public, private or homeschool.
- Be enrolled in grades 7-12. Students may not use the CCP funds after the spring semester of their senior year.
- Meet Valor Christian College admissions requirements and deadlines.
- Complete the Valor Christian College Mature Content permission form.
- Notify your high school guidance counselor of your Intent to Participant in CCP.
Apply for Admission to Valor Christian College’s Dual Enrollment Program
We encourage students to talk with school counselors and parents or guardians to discuss your desire to take college level courses. It is extremely important that you understand how the courses would fit in with your overall academic plan and career goals. Students who meet the admissions requirements are not guaranteed admission into the Valor Dual Enrollment Program. Applicants have a similar review process as degree-seeking students are Valor.
Overview of Timeline:
Check with your school about Information Nights to learn more about the program.
Apply to Valor Christian College by March 15
- Complete the free College Credit Plus application: Click Here to Apply!
Apply by March 15 if you are a homeschool or private school student who needs an acceptance letter by CCP’s April 1 funding application deadline. You will receive follow up information within 14 days.
Submit a Letter of Intent:
- Public School: Submit to school counselor
- Non-Public/Homeschool Submit form to Ohio Dept of Education by April 1 by 5:00pm.
Valor Christian College’s fall semester opens in August. If you are admitted, you must complete our online orientation prior to the start of the semester. Consult with your high school counselor to ensure high school requirements will be met by the college courses you choose.
Valor Christian College may consider any of the following in making an admission decision:
*If viewing on mobile device use your finger to scroll table left and right*
3.0 Cumulative Grade Point Average |
Strength and rigor of curriculum |
Performance in curriculum |
Class rank |
ACT Score-22 (If no high school GPA is available)
ACCUPLACER test scores |
Any prior postsecondary work |
Transfer Credit
Advanced Placement scores (if applicable) |
Writing assessments |
Secondary teacher or counselor recommendations (Including professional judgment assessing the student’s maturity and readiness for a college curriculum) |
Disciplinary records |
Students who meet the admissions requirements are not guaranteed admission into the Valor Dual Enrollment Program. Applicants have a similar review process as degree-seeking students are Valor.
Please contact dualenrollment@valorcollege.edu with any application questions.
Mature Content Permission Form
This permission form will be sent to all Dual Enrollment participants.
College Credit Plus requires that students and parents be made aware of the potential for mature or adult content in some college classrooms and that both parent and student complete a CCP Mature Content Permission Slip in order to use CCP Funding. This permission form must be submitted before students can register. Students and Parents will be sent the permission slip once the Valor application is submitted.
The subject matter of a course enrolled in under the Dual Enrollment/ College Credit Plus program may include mature subject matter or materials, including those of graphic, explicit, violet, or sexual nature, that will not be modified based upon college credit plus enrollee participation regardless of where course instruction occurs.
Apply for College Credit Plus Funding
Public high school students: Contact your high school guidance counselor and submit your Intent to Participate form by your high school deadline.
Parents of private school students and homeschool students must apply annually by April 1. Please see high school counselor for instructions. The Valor Finance office will contact families with billing information after registration.
College Credit Plus will send a Funding Award Notification by email to parents in early May. Students must submit a PDF copy of the CCP Funding Award letter to the registrar (registrar@valorcollege.edu) at Valor Christian College.
Payment Options
Students may choose to be responsible for payment of all tuition and the cost of all textbooks, materials and fees associated with the course. At the time of enrollment, students must notify their school counselor of their intent to receive only college credit OR to receive both high school and college credit for the course. Valor Finance Office will notify students of pending charges for all courses and educational fees.
If awarded CCP Funding, the cost of tuition, textbooks, materials and fees are paid for the student. Upon completion of the course, Valor will award students credit for the course and the student’s secondary school shall award the student high school credit.
Online Orientation
All accepted students must complete the dual enrollment orientation. This orientation session is conducted virtually and will assist students with course layout, all course features and how to access digital textbooks. See information under Populi Orientation.
Important Academic Information
- Classes are college-level. The rigor and curriculum will be more advanced than a typical high school course. Students should expect medium to heavy reading assignments.
- Grades in any VCC course will be a permanent grade on both your high school and college transcript.
- Valor uses digital textbooks that are links added to each course. Students will not receive hard copies of the textbooks. Student access to textbooks will begin when the course opens.
FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act)
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) (20 U.S.C. § 1232g; 34 CFR Part 99) is a Federal law that protects the privacy of student education records. The law applies to all schools that receive funds under an applicable program of the U.S. Department of Education.
FERPA gives parents certain rights with respect to their children's education records. These rights transfer to the student when he or she reaches the age of 18 or attends a school beyond the high school level. Students to whom the rights have transferred are "eligible students."
Alerts-Populi Notifications
You can turn on the notifications to receive text messages through the Populi system. You will receive important messages through Populi (Campus and Online) as well as any Campus emergency notifications.
Turning Notifications on and off
- Log into Populi
- At the very top right look for your initials. There is an arrow for a dropdown list
- Select Account and Settings
- Look for Notifications on the LEFT side and make your selections. You can always go in and adjust your selections.
Text messages that go out are through Populi. Please do not respond because the staff will not get your message. The messages will come from an 844 number. This is Populi. The staff and your instructors also have the ability to send text messages out. If you turn off this feature, the message will be sent via email.
Withdrawl from a course
All students who wish to withdraw from a course without a financial fee must do so in writing prior to the first day of any term.
Valor E-Mail Address
All students are assigned a Valor email at the time of enrollment. Students must use their Valor email for all communication to Valor faculty and staff. Communication from the institution will be sent to Valor emails.
Post Dual-Enrollment
Students who participate in this program will be eligible for a World Changer Scholarship upon acceptance to one of Valor’s Associate of Applied Science or Bachelor of Arts Programs.
This guide was developed to answer all of your academic questions and to support you on your academic journey! Guidance on reading the document: C=Campus Students/Courses O=Online Students/Courses
Valor Christian College is on a semester schedule which is 16 weeks of course work and 1 week of final examinations.
C-Campus students have 16 week terms for Fall and Spring semesters. All Summer courses are online.
O-Online students have two (8-week) sessions with a 1 week break between the terms for Fall and Spring. Students complete 16 weeks of content in 8 weeks in each session. All work including the final examination is completed in a session. Courses do not extend into multiple sessions. All Summer courses are online.
Populi Training (Online Orientation)
All course content is housed in our Learning Management System called Populi. Once you are activated in the system, Populi will send you a welcome message with your login and instructions for you to create your password. Please keep this where you can access it as Valor does not maintain your password. If you get locked out, we can send a reset and you will be prompted to create a new password. (Always check SPAM because this comes from Populi). Once the classes GO LIVE, you will be able to see all of your courses both campus and online. We also have an Online Resource course that can be added to your schedule which will allow you to review instructions on how to use different features of the system including submitting your assignments. (This course is FREE and is not for credit) Dr. Lambert, Valor Online Coordinator, will email information about Zoom sessions to assist students with navigating Populi. Information will be sent at the start of each semester (via email) with the training dates.
Learning Support Accommodations
Accommodation requests must be accompanied by documentation of a disability as defined by Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990. The ADA defines a disability as a mental or physical impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities. Valor Christian College requires that students requesting disability services provide current documentation from a licensed professional who is qualified in the diagnosis of the disability and who is currently or has been recently associated with the individual. The diagnosis must reflect the present level of functioning of the major life activity that is substantially impaired. Official documentation must be submitted before a student can be reviewed for accommodations.
The documentation must be provided on the healthcare professional’s official letterhead and must include the following:
- Description of diagnosis – Describe the specific symptoms and describe the major life activities affected by these symptoms that would impact a student in an educational setting.
- Recommended accommodations – State specific recommendations for accommodations and include a rationale for why each accommodation is necessary to mitigate the impact of the student’s condition in an educational setting.
- Healthcare professional information – Provide the healthcare professional’s name, title, address and telephone number.
Please complete this request FIRST
Click Here!
What's Next?
Once you submit your request you will receive an email from the learning support staff with the following instructions:
- Submit your IEP or Medical documentation that supports your accommodations. Please email them as quickly as possible. We cannot set up your accommodations without this paperwork.
- Once your documentation has been received, we will schedule a meeting. The meeting will be a conference call or a virtual meeting. We will discuss previous accommodations and how we can support you at Valor.
- After the meeting, your instructors will be notified of all accommodations.
- You will schedule a meeting with the Student Success Coordinator to determine your meeting schedule. learningsupport@valorcollege.edu
Course Participation
C-Students are expected to attend and participate in all courses. Attendance will be recorded
O-Students are expected to be active in all courses. Active participation refers to submission of assignments (Discussions, Papers and Exams) The review of content does not qualify as active participation.
Time Zone
All assignments are due in EST. There are no exceptions to this policy.
Communication with Faculty
All students who send a written communication with staff should allow a 24-48-hour response time. Faculty typically have multiple classes and may not be able to respond immediately. It is helpful if you review all instructions and content in Lessons (where applicable) to double check instructions to help to bring about a possible solution to your issue both prior and during your communication with your faculty.
Weekly Announcement
C=Students will receive instructions from their professor during class time, via Populi or email.
O=Instructors will post instructions on the Bulletin Board of the course at the beginning of the week when the module opens. Instructions can also be found in the Lesson for that week or under the assignment.
C-Students can find content for assignments under Lessons for the week. Instructors will cover this and additional content in the classroom.
O-Each Module (Week) is attached to a Lesson. Students can gain access to one or multiple lessons each week. Lessons may contain videos, presentations, instructor notes and instructions for assignments that cover the content for each module. Instructors may not release content of all weeks at once. ALL ONLINE courses are asynchronous. Students do not meet at any set time for instruction. Some instructors may choose to record videos to discuss content but this is optional and is not required for courses.
Assignment Due Dates
C-Students will receive all instructions in Populi or from their professor. Due dates are posted in Populi.
O-Students will submit weekly assignments. All times are EST. Modules open on Monday and close on Sunday at 11:59PM EST.
Discussion Post-Initial post is due on Thursdays by 11:59PM EST. Response posts are due Sundays by 11:59PM EST.
- 100 and 200 level courses require ONE response post (AAS Courses)
- 300 and 400 level courses require TWO response posts (BA Courses)
Exams/Papers-all assignments other than discussions are due Sundays by 11:59PM EST
- Exams/Quizzes are set to open at an assigned time. The instructor must set an end time for the exam. Pay close attention to the time set for the examination. Once an exam closes we are unable to reopen it. Do not open an exam until you are prepared to complete the work. Instructors are not permitted to reopen the exam.
- All Papers must be submitted in APA format. Students can find links to writing resources in Populi (Under the link FILES). Students may also contact the VCC Librarian staff at the following email address library@valorcollege.edu
Valor utilizes all digital textbooks. Students will no longer have to purchase textbooks. The cost of all educational resources has been included in your tuition. We have expanded library resources in addition to digital downloads. Textbook information can be found under LINKS in each Populi class. Look for the Title or the word “TEXTBOOK”. Your book may be in one of three formats:
- TEXTBOOK LOGOS-Students are able to create an account and log into LOGOS (log into LOGOS one time then after that you will automatically be taken to the bookshelf)
- TEXTBOOKS eCampus-Students log in eCampus and the book will live on Vital source Bookshelf
- TEXTBOOK GALE-This is a digital resource through the VCC Library resource GALE. Log in and use the password-valor. (Check out the feature that will read the content to you).
You are welcome to purchase hard copies of textbooks on your own at your own expense. It is recommended that you utilize the digital books that we have provided which are included in your tuition.
Late Policy
O-Online Assignments are due on Sundays (except initial Discussion Post) by 11:59PM EST. Pay close attention to due dates in Populi. Assignments due in Week Eight cannot be submitted late. No assignment will be accepted after the last day of the term.
C-Campus assignments are due according to what is either listed in Populi, on the syllabus or announced in class. Assignments due in Week 16 cannot be submitted late. No assignment will be accepted after the last day of the term.
C/O-All assignments that are submitted after the due date are subject to a one-time 10% late penalty. Late assignments can only be submitted up to one week. No assignment will be accepted after one week.
Academic Resources
Library Resources
The library has digital and print resources for both Campus and Online Students. We have a number of resources to assist you. Please follow these instructions.
- Log in to Populi.
- Find the Black Bar at the top of the screen and click on LIBRARY
- Click on the word LINKS
Once opened, you will see resources for Library Support, Writing Support, Enrollment Resources, Academic Guide, Valor Accommodation Request, Valor Learning Center Intake Request, and much more. Please take advantage of all of these resources.
Writing Support
The VCC Learning Center is located in the library and is available to support both Campus and Online students with writing assignments. Students have the ability to request this support by completing a brief questionnaire that can be found on every class. Under the LINKS section of your class in Populi, there is a link “Valor Learning Center Intake Request”. Complete this brief questionnaire about your assignment and a consultant from the Learning Center will connect with you. The consultants are unable to assist last minute requests.
First Year Experience Courses (FYE)
First Year Experience courses are developed to assist students with getting acclimated to college level coursework. Students with transfer credits that are less than 30 semester hours are still considered a Freshman and may be enrolled in a FYE Course
Virtual Meetings
Instructors may choose to hold a virtual meeting from time to time to meet with students. Populi has a conference feature called Big Blue Button. Be aware of this feature as it is added to every course.
We use various methods of assessing students. We use a variety of methods to ensure that we are meeting the needs of various learning styles.
Indirect | Direct |
Surveys addressing specific issues | Subject Testing |
Interviews | Portfolios |
Focus Groups | Competence Interviews |
Reflective Essays | Collective Portfolios |
Course Syllabi
Course syllabi are intended to present the course and all requirements to a student. Students should review content in the course syllabi and in Populi at the start of the course. The instructor reserves the right to make necessary adjustments to the content at any time during the semester. Instructors will provide accurate communication with any changes as quickly as possible.
Any student requesting an incomplete must have this request submitted and approved by the faculty and the Provost before the end of the term. Approved Incomplete Request forms must be submitted to the Registrar. Students will have three weeks from the final day of the term to submit all assignments that are required to fulfill this incomplete. Students who do not submit the required assignments at the conclusion of the Incomplete three-week window will receive an F as their final grade.
- All students requesting an incomplete must not be failing the course at the time of the request.
Students must have a grade of greater than 60% for an Incomplete request to be approved. Students may not use an incomplete to make up multiple weeks of missed assignments.
Students submitting multiple incomplete requests may be asked to meet with the Dean of Students or the Provost. Submission of an incomplete request does not guarantee an approval.
VCC Recognized Holidays Impacting Classes
C-Campus students should refer to the Academic Calendar for all Campus closure dates.
O-Online courses are not impacted holiday closures.
VCC Academic Programs
Valor Christian College offers accredited Bachelor of Arts degrees, Associate of Applied Science degrees and Certificates for students to consider after graduation. Students may apply for financial aid for eligible programs. Please take a moment to review information about our academic programs. Contact our Admissions Office with any questions (admissions@valorcollege.edu)
Interim President/Provost-Dr. Laquetta Cortner cortnerL@valorcollege.edu
Dean of Students-Dr. Jimmy McFadden mcfaddenj@valorcollege.edu
Academics and Academic Support
- Online Coordinator-Dr. Trent Lambert lambertT@valorcollege.edu
- Online Team Lead-Jeevon Harris harrisj@valorcollege.edu
- VCC Academics academics@valorcollege.edu
- Librarian library@valorcollege.edu
- Registrar Registrar@valorcollege.edu
- Student Success Coordinator- Tierra Lane lanet@valorcollege.edu
- Learning Support learningsupport@valorcollege.edu
Tech Support support@valorcollege.edu
- Phil Supple suppleP@valorcollege.edu
Financial Aid and Finance Contacts
Financial Aid financialaid@valorcollege.edu
- Phil Supple suppleP@valorcollege.edu
- Norm Stoppenbrink stoppenbrinkn@valorcollege.edu
- Seth Pruitt pruitts@valorcollege.edu
Finance finance@valorcollege.edu
- Tiffany Jackson jacksont@valorcollege.edu
Campus Life
- Director of Housing and Recruitment -Cherisse Conley conleyc@valorcollege.edu
- Title IX Coordinator- Seth Pruitt pruitts@valorcollege.edu
Admissions admissions@valorcollege.edu
Main Switchboard 614-837-4088