Associate of Applied Science in Organizational Leadership and Management

The AAS in Organizational Management lays the foundation by introducing students to the theoretical concepts and practical applications in the fields of management. Students will explore the skill sets necessary to effectively manage a global workforce. The program is designed to prepare students to assume management-focused leadership positions at organizations in both the public and private sectors, including a church or ministry, or to pursue a bachelor’s degree in business administration. Through a curriculum that links theory with best practices, students are trained in the principles and skill of transformational leadership - leadership that translates vision into change within the team-based management environments that characterize today’s organizations. Courses concentrate on distinctly Christian approaches to managing people, and the biblical perspective of developing and supervising a business.

Upon satisfactory completion of the AAS in Organizational Management should be able to:
  1. Accomplish basic computer functions including word/text processing, spreadsheets, presentation management, database management and Internet research.
  2. Demonstrate fluency in interpersonal communication, including listening for meaning, attending to non-verbal cues and discerning cultural difference in communication styles.
  3. Adapt to various communication styles and genres for the business environment, including internal communication, media relations, branding, digital presentation materials, meeting planning, group facilitation and other essential skills.
  4. Implement scriptural principles of relating to other persons in individual, small-group, family and organizational settings.
  5. Show an advanced understanding of accounting theory, practices and procedures including asset valuation, measuring and reporting of the equities of creditors and owners, partnership and corporation forms, income taxes and financial analysis.
  6. Understand basic principles of various fields of business study, including business law and principles of marketing.
  7. Demonstrate an understanding the basic management skills of planning, organizing, leading and controlling, business ethics and corporate social responsibility.
  8. Understand the fundamentals of microeconomic theory, including the behavior of small organizations, and how businesses interact to form larger units of markets and industries.

72% of graduates reported that they are extremely confident or very confident in their ability to demonstrate an understanding of the basic management skills of planning, organizing, leading, controlling business ethics and corporate social responsibility.  (Organizational Management Assessment)

Program Requirements for A.A.S. In Organizational Management

General Education Requirements
  English Composition I  
  English Composition II  
  Success in College  
  Foundation in Communication (Course options available)  
  Social Science (Course options available)  
  Arts/Humanities/Literature (Course options available)  
  Introduction to Contemporary Mathematics  
  Environmental Science  
Bible and Theology (Choose any 4 courses)
  Old Testament  
  New Testament History  
  Bible Study Methods  
  Life of Christ  
  Theology I  
  Theology II  
Church Ministries (Choose any 2 courses)
  Introduction to Christian Leadership  
  Christian Ethics  
  Spiritual Formation  
  Marriage and Family  
  The Reformation  
Organizational Management
  Introduction to Business  
  Accounting I  
  Accounting II  
  Business Law  
  Business Communication  
  Principles of Marketing  
  Principles of Management